Online Surveys by KAD RESEARCH
Market Research has its foundation built on the mystery of how a company understands the needs of a customer and at the same time brings about the production of units with their competitors in mind. Here are diffrent kind of marketing survey research that KAD offers:
- Market Description Surveys:- It is the determination of the market share and reach and size of the market. It also provides important information about market growth and competitor positioning.
- Market Profiling and Segmentation Surveys:- It is used to know why the consumers are your customers and why are they not, often a detailed market segmentation and market share analysis.
- Stage in the Purchase Process/Tracking Surveys:- Shows the acceptance of the product and look at the awareness about the product. It also talks about the purchase and repurchase of the product.
- Customer Intention Purchase Analysis Surveys:- To understand what motivates the customer for moving from interest to purchase. It’s actually important to understand the customer conversion, commitment and loyalty.
- Customer Attitude and Expectation Survey:- By this, we try to understand the extent to which the product has met the customer demands. Attitudes about the product and the company and how to improve it by new ads, customer conversions and loyalty.
- Customer Trust- Loyalty- Retention Analysis:- The deep ideas that have formed over time by the consumers over the product and the company.
- New Product Concept Analysis Survey:- It is hugely required when screening totally new products before launch. Likes and dislikes are also taken into account and it also surveys the acceptability of the product and the likelihood that the product will be purchased.
Market Research surveys are very useful thing for companies having single or multiple products, so that they can prepare themselves for the reactions of the consumers and get feedback from them and bring about the necessary changes before the attitude of the consumers turn totally negative towards the product. Please feel free to contact us for any service related to Market Research Analysis.